Partner Sparkassen
An overview of our partner institutions in Germany.
German Sparkassenstiftung für internationale Kooperation was established by the German Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe (Savings Banks Finance Group). The Sparkassen-Finanzgruppe includes all Sparkassen (Savings Banks) in Germany. The Sparkasse is an established network of municipal banks. German Sparkassenstiftung in Eastern Africa cooperates with several of these German Sparkassen within the scope of partnerships to support the strengthening of the microfinance sector in Eastern Africa.
We are very happy and proud to have a partner Sparkasse for every project country:
Burundi: Sparkassenverband Baden-Württemberg
Kenya: Sparkasse Ulm
Rwanda: Kreissparkasse Heidelberg
Tanzania: Kreissparkasse Tübingen
Uganda: Kreissparkasse Reutlingen
These partnerships are created on a both sided lively exchange of knowledge and experience. The respective partner Sparkasse offers support and assistance on questions of specialist topics. In addition, the partner Sparkasse can provide different types of material. In case of a more intense need for advice specialists from the partner Sparkasse support the project activities through a short-term expert mission in the project country. Such a mission can last about one to two weeks. The partnership also includes the mentoring of delegation visits from the project countries to Germany. Besides that, the respective partner Sparkasse can agree to receive an intern or guest student from the partner country once a year for the duration of maximum two weeks. Furthermore, the partnership supports the capacity development of junior staff of partner Sparkassen. Junior employees with a completed vocational training or studies in banking can work together with Sparkassenstiftung for about 12 weeks as Junior Consultants in the respective project country offices.
Through the exchange of information and knowledge, supported with the experience gained during the internships and short-term missions, the partnership program promotes the personal growth of the staff members as well as the further development of the project work.
Picture: Sparkasse Ulm, copyright Sparkasse Ulm/Duckek